Monday, August 26, 2013

Broken wrist

Project management blog, August 26, 2013 I have not been into the blog several weeks. My energy has been focused on accomplishing the bare essentials of life such as getting my class work done with a broken wrist. During the last week of July, I was playing basketball and made a heroic effort to save the ball from going out of bounds while not breaking any bones. I failed on both accounts. I ended up at the ER and x-ray indicated multiple fractures of the bones in the hand and wrist. A week later I had surgery and had pins placed in my wrist. I am unable to use the wrist in any significant way until about Christmas time. I have been writing with one hand until recently. The one hand approach is about one third as effective as my two-handed technique. I recently purchased Dragon software which enables me to talk and have it appear in front of me for major edits, because as good as the software is my accent provides a major challenge. I thought about what lessons learned a project manager can gain from an intense experience with the medical industry. I thought the four and a half hours in the emergency room to get a referral to a hand surgeon. This might be an experience worth discussing. I realized I was just frustrated and any learning I developed would sound like ranting. I am on the mend and finishing up grades for the end of the semester and will be reading the new PM Journal which I suspect will provide plenty of fodder for the next blog. See you in a few days Russ

1 comment:

  1. feel better Dad~ love you and glad to see you "writing" again
